Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 11-15-2021

Document Type



The heyday of Islam was marked by the rapid development of Islamic science, culture, and education. This rapid development is supported by the existence of institutions that accommodate these developments. At that time, scientific institutions were established as learning science, culture, and Islamic education. Ibn Killis was a figure and pioneer of the development of education in the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt. He founded a university and spent thousands of dinars per month to finance it. One of the most important foundations built during the Fatimid period was the construction of Dar al-Hikmah (The house of wisdom) or Dar al-'Ilm (house of knowledge), founded by al-Hakim in 1005 AD as a waqf-based library, center and spread of extreme Shi’ite teachings. This study aims to determine the development and trend map of Bayt Al-Hikma published by well-known journals in education. The data analyzed were more than 72 research publications indexed by Scopus. The results show that Bayt al-Hikma was a library and translation center during the Abbasid dynasty, also waqf-based library and center of knowledge.
