Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



The King Fahad National Library is a ray of light in the realm of scientific and technical methods of preservation and restoration of ancient documents in Middle East. This study attempts to seek the role of library with reference to the preservation of Islamic knowledge, culture and heritage for next generations. The library is the protagonist of the idea to collect, preserve and restore ancient Islamic and cultural books, photographs, manuscripts etc. before they annihilate.

This article is a narration of initiatives taken up by the library to fulfill the above-mentioned objectives. It has been found that the library has not only preserved knowledge but also provide easy access to the people to learn about the old times of Saudi Arabia. Due to library efforts, yet the Saudi culture has started to go beyond the national territorial bounding. The library strategy to participate, organize and collect Islamic literature has aided the library to present a soft image of the country and to project Islamic culture all around the world.

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History Commons
