Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library Philosophy and Practice 2011


Research is a process of enquiry that draws data from the context in which events occur, in an attempt to describe these occurrences, as a means of determining the process in which events are embedded and the perspectives of those participating in the events, using induction to derive possible explanation based on observed phenomena", Gorman & Clayton (2005).

The creation and dissemination of research is central to the growth of any profession. Library and Information Science is no exemption. A considerable amount of emphasis has been placed by many library experts and professionals towards the creation of research culture among LIS community.

Hallam (2005) also emphasized that: "It can be strongly argued that research is critical for the creation of professional knowledge and therefore critical to the survival and growth of the library and information profession. Without a commitment to research, we will not be a profession as such, but merely an occupa­tion that focuses on routine processes" (p. 4).

Doctoral research in library and information science (LIS) in Pakistan was started in 1967 from the University of Karachi. Interview responses indicate that during these five decades, very few LIS professionals got involved in PhD level research activities due to number of factors i.e. inadequate opportunities, poor facilities, lack of any incentive and training for research activities, over-worked and lack of interest from higher authorities, poor status of LIS professionals in the eyes of other faculty members related of other fields in all academic institutions of Pakistan.
