Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type




The study seeks to evaluate the accessibility and use of library resources in the North Campus Library of the University of Education, Winneba. The study was a survey and made use of a questionnaire as research instrument. The target population consisted of all Level 300 Basic Education students and Social Studies students numbering 500 as at 2019/2020 academic year. A sample size of 300 representing 20% of the population was selected through random sampling. focusing on accessibility of how and to suggest ways through its findings and recommend solution to those challenges.

The questionnaire was analyzed using frequency tables and percentages. Findings of the study were that students were not using libraries to support their learning and other academic activities as they lacked searching and library use skills. Where the library is sited at the last floor of the faculty block makes it sometime difficult for these are some of the setbacks that hinders students accessing the North Campus Library for research and for their information needs. It was recommended among other things that, student should be introduce to information literacy skills to help them analyse information problems and structure their searches so as to find their own answers. Also, circulation procedures could also hamper use. Therefore, circulation procedures should be made simple but follow up strictly. The study recommended that current and adequate information resources should be acquired to increase the level of user satisfaction which has been found to be poor, also, the librarians should use their knowledge of organisation of knowledge one and two, reference and bibliography, and media librarianship to provide access to effective information retrieval tools and audio-visual materials to help facilitate interactive learning

Keywords: Accessibility, Library resources

Accessibility: The extent to which library user obtain services use or retrieve information from the library either in print or electronic resources.

Library resources: Is the collection of the library materials such as books, journals, audio, video materials etc.
