Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper explores Students Health Records Management in Academic Institution, using the practices at Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo Medical Centre. Its specific objectives was to determine the available students health records, ascertain the level of effectiveness of the students’ health records management practices and investigate the challenges faced by the records officers in the effective management of students health records in the surveyed. Also, the paper utilizes simple percentage method to analyze data from 20 health officials of the surveyed institutional medical center in Oyo State. The major challenges faced in handling health records in the medical center studied were inadequate computer and other ICT devices, unstable power supply and lack of funding for training on health records management. Hence, the paper concludes that adequate provision of funds should be made available to enhance better health records management practices. Also, managers of the surveyed medical centre should intensify their efforts in encouraging their health workers to maintain proper handling and care of health record.
