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Android phones are winding up progressively vital in regular day to day existence and offer a generous assortment of versatile applications for data, correspondence, instruction, and diversion purposes. Android phones ordinarily have contact screens, versatile Internet get to through Wi-Fi or cell systems, ability for establishment of Android phone applications, and different capacities, for example, media players, computerized cameras, and GPS-based route. Mobile devices have spread quickly all around the globally and have become more usually than computers. Modern mobile phones have exceeded the assumption of new technologies. People carry them with their keys and wallets all the time and everywhere. Android phones are no longer just phones; they have become multiple purpose tools. People use them to call, take pictures, record videos or audio, play music, browse the Internet, check the weather, find directions, translate a word, read an e-book, play a game, attend a virtual class, and even read a product price. The main aim of this study is to assess the purpose behind the use of Android phone by medical students, also explore barriers while using the mobile for education purpose. The nature of this study was quantitative; questionnaire was used as data collection tool which was developed by researchers. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect the data from target population. The results of this study found that the use of Android phone for education purpose was very good in selected university, but it needed more attention of higher administration to support the use of mobile phone as tools which help in the promotion in medical education among medical students.
