Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-26-2021

Document Type



The purpose of the study explores the impact of ICT skills for Knowledge sharing among library professional of Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan. Descriptive survey design study was adopted in the study. The population of the study was librarians who are working in the higher education institutions of Pakistan. Simple sample technique was used for data collection 180 was sample size. Questionnaire was used as instrument for primary data collection from selected respondents.SPSS application was used for data analysis with descriptive statistics of frequency counts and mean score. The result reveals a total agreement by majority of the respondents on the possession of numerous ICT skills as the grand mean equals 2.69. This acceptance is as a result of the grand mean score being higher than the criterion mark of 2.5 set for the study. The respondent’s on sources of ICT. This agreement is so, based on the fact that the study scored a grand mean above the criterion mean which is 2.71. Result of the respondents on the adoption of different and numerous methods/patters for knowledge sharing with a grand mean () of 2.97. Result gotten from the study on this reveals a total agreement by majority of the respondents on the effects of ICT skills on knowledge sharing practices with a grand mean of 3.48. The result reveals a total agreement response by majority of the respondents on the factors that influences use of ICT in knowledge sharing. This agreement response was as a result of the study having a grand mean score of 3.19, which is above the criterion mean set for the study.
