Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-1-2021

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Open educational resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing, as well as for research purposes. This paper attempts to know the awareness of librarians in higher educational institution’s such as professional and academic librarians in different states of India. A survey method was adopted to collect the required primary information. Study found that, 55% of the respondents used the OER available in different websites. Further it is found that, they are using it for updating subject knowledge, teaching and learning and research work. 68% of them felt that they are using OER because of its easy availability in the full text and reliable information and quality of information. Concluded with the note that, library professionals has to make more and more awareness and training about the OER in all the higher educational institutions in India.
