Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This qualitative study reflects on the perceptions of library professionals and students living with visual impairments from three Zimbabwean universities about the need for and ways of creating Assistive Technology (AT) competency in academic librarians. Some of the measures that may be used to increase the AT competencies of academic librarians are discussed. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 19 participants comprising 13 library personnel and six students living with visual impairments. The study highlights important types of AT for individuals living with visual impairments, emphasises the importance of competencies in AT for academic librarians and suggest appropriate measures for enhancing the AT skills of academic librarians in the context of participants’ views. It is hoped that the study’s recommendations will generate an urgent need to address AT competencies of academic librarians to drive effective adoption and usage of AT in the studied institutions of higher learning.
