"The Effect of Promotion on Instagram with Psychographics on the Intens" by Tri Hartanto and Muhammad Azwar

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version


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Corresponding Author: Muhammad Azwar (muh.azwar@uinjkt.ac.id)


Libraries have an essential role in managing collections to meet the information needs of users. Libraries need to do more intense promotions by optimizing Instagram's social media. This study aims to determine how much influence promotion on Instagram with psychographics has on the Intensity of visits at the ministry library in Indonesia. This research was conducted in the library of the ministry of education and culture, Indonesia. This study uses associative statistics with a quantitative approach. The data analysis used was multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis of the influence of variables X1 and X2 on variable Y. Sampling used the Slovin formula with a significance of 10% with purposive sampling technique and obtained 94 respondents from a population of 1,483. The results show that there is a significant effect of Promotion on Instagram (X1) on Visit Intensity (Y) with a significant value of 0.0001.68. The value of the influence of promotion on Instagram with psychographics on the Intensity of visits shown from R2 is 28.7%, and the remaining 71.3% is influenced by other factors not examined. This research is significant to help libraries increase promotional activities as technology develops and pays attention to user behavior in finding information through Instagram.
