Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper discusses the importance of ICT in rendering Virtual Reference Services (VRS) in libraries during and post Covid-19. The application of ICT is not a new phenomenon in libraries. Still, the disclosure of physical buildings is a nudge for adapting technology to make the libraries relevant during and after the pandemic. The study highlights the various ways to render virtual reference services delivery that libraries can provide to their users by harnessing Information and Communication technology. The paper discusses the use of virtual reference services such as email, webform, VoIP, instant messaging, videoconferencing and online chat in libraries to serve their users swiftly in the tough time of Covid-19. The paper investigated the various modes of providing virtual reference services in the top five universities as per the QS World University Rankings 2021, which are Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the University of Oxford. The content analysis of websites was used to collect data. These libraries were selected deliberately as there are rendering different modes of Virtual reference services. VRS act as a bridge to facilitate users during a pandemic and reshape and enhance the library services after the pandemic. The article is an effort to create awareness among libraries to utilise the virtual reference service and support their users virtually.
