Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-17-2021

Document Type



Makerspace is a recent phenomenon. It is defined as a place where people interested in similar things come together to work and share ideas and equipment. Due to its widespread benefits, it has been incorporated in schools, colleges, universities, and libraries all over the world. In India, the number of makerspaces is increasing steadily, but not much is known about them. So to enhance the understanding of the makerspace, a study of selected makerspaces was conducted to understand its functioning. It was found that most of the selected makerspaces were established between 2010 to 2017. The majority of selected makerspaces were commercial and were managed by individuals, but gradually academic and charitable organizations were also making a foray into the makerspace arena. The major source of funding for makerspaces was found to be membership fees as well as fees collected by conducting different courses, workshops, and events. But makerspaces were also supported through different grants, donations, and sponsorship. A space occupied by makerspace is divided into different functional areas like computer lab, woodworking area, foundry area, etc depending on the activities conducted. A makerspace may have one or a combination of all of the functional areas. Technologies used in makerspaces are electronics, robotics, digital fabrication, etc. Whereas dominant tools used in makerspaces are 3D printers, CNC millers, Saws, polishers, grinders, etc. As makerspaces have specialized tools and machinery, it is managed by a specialized staff comprising of the head, in charge manager for different functional areas, teacher, instructor, event manager, marketing manager, and administration staff.
