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TBM is currently growing rapidly as many as 4028 TBMs throughout Indonesia and TBM has become a community mobilizer especially in the field of empowerment along with the launch of the National Literacy Movement program by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017 which consists of six basic literacy and TBM Teras Baca Guyub Rukun became the designated TBM as a Financial Literacy Residency in 2019. The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of financial literacy that comes from the six spheres of financial literacy such as the introduction of the concept of financial literacy and economic transactions, the concept of economic resources, the concept of spending, the concept of saving, the concept of sharing and financial crime. The research method used is to use a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results of this study are that there are four scopes that have been done are the scope of financial literacy such as the introduction of the concept of financial literacy and economic transactions, the concept of economic resources, the concept of saving, the concept of sharing, the scope of the introduction of the concept of spending and financial crime caused by The community operates organically through collaborative methods and is carried out with various types of TBM program activities and lack of human resources. This research as a reference if you want to develop financial literacy, especially for TBM with community-based activities.

Keywords: Community reading parks, financial literacy, National literacy movement
