Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper is about Application of Technology Resources to Library Information Processing in Academic Libraries in Nigeria. The electronic age has made users search beyond print media while looking for information resources. Latest research work are sent across the world through electronic means and no serious researcher of this age ever depends solely on print media rather the use of internet, websites, e-mail etc are the language of the day. Functionally, university libraries of the current dispensation provide access to both print and electronic resources to serve users and to increase the visibility of their institutions, and as a measure of prestige. In other words, they must go beyond the border of print collection in information delivery. It must extend to computer resources and other non-print format. The paper concluded that technology resources is indispensable in the 21st century for global access to information materials. Therefore academic libraries in Nigeria must strive to apply these resources to their information processing for total production and distribution of information contents in a quality manner.
