Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 12-5-2021
Document Type
The crisis in open access scholarly communications leads to several initiatives promoting the development of open access repositories. It reduces the repetition of research studies by minimising the cost of access and encouraging the reuse of research data. But at the same time, the contributor researchers are also concerned about the long term preservation, meta-descriptions and citation support of their research publication shard in open access repositories. Zenodo, as an open access repository, supports a wider variety of use cases, and many of them implement minimal control on the data uploaded by users. The present study discusses the research output & research interest of the Library and Information Science Department of Panjab University by collecting data from the Zenodo community. The analysis highlights yearly output of research publications, relative growth rate & doubling time, upload trends, authorship patterns, most productive authors, most preferred sources & source origins, length of the publications, used reference count & reference types and top used keywords. Researchers’ research performance is demonstrated by calculating the views & downloads of a specific article in the community. The study also reveals the inadequacy of the Zenodo community in keeping track of contributors' citations. In conclusion, the study suggests following up some motivational & functional requirements to encourage researchers to contribute their works in open access repositories. In ethical consideration, it eliminates the digital divide, as well as maximising the societal benefits of research.
Included in
Archival Science Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Scholarly Publishing Commons