Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Department of Information Resources Management, Babcock University, Illishan-Remo, Nigeria.


University libraries are traditionally established to meet the needs of students, lecturers and university communities through the provision of qualitative and adequate information resources and services. The theses available in the library are needed to support teaching, learning and research which is the fundamental reason for establishing universities. For it would be a waste of resources if the past and present theses submitted by graduate students to the university libraries, where the student obtained his/her advanced degree are not adequately preserved and secured for both the present and future use. This study established a three levels programme: Minimal or Small level, Middling or Middle level and optimal or Full scale of preservation and security practices on the use of theses in order to preserve and secure students’ theses from deterioration and loss. The paper revealed cleaning, minor repairs of theses etc at the minimal level while at the middling level security and protection of theses were emphasized and at the optimal level digitization, mass deacidification and so on were observable. This study would be a great contribution to the existing literature as it can be used as a foundational study for preservation and security practices of students’ theses in academic libraries, particularly in university libraries in South-West, Nigeria.
