Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Introduction: Health literacy is the characteristics of an individual as well as the social resources needed for the communities to retrieve, acquire, understand, evaluate and use the information and services to make decisions about their health. This paper seeks to explore the need and the impact of health literacy that causes a change in the lives of below poverty line communities and the way to improve health literacy to make the health information accessible, easily comprehensive and accumulate effective outcomes. Also, examine the significant role of libraries to inculcate health literacy among the community as well. The result of the study was based on the survey and the questionnaire to analyze and to find out the information seeking behaviors, attitude towards the health literacy and its different dimensions in their day-to-day life.

Methodology: A descriptive health literacy survey was conducted to examine the mixed-method paradigm in this study. The questionnaire was used for data collection from 385 respondents of the Below Poverty Line community and the data were analyzed and reviewed based on SWOT analysis. EHIL screening tools (Niemela et al. 2012) were used for measuring health literacy.

Originality/ Value: The study contributed to the scope of knowledge by providing a better understanding of the relationship between health literacy, education and awareness. Health literacy has a major part to play when it comes to sharing knowledge or information related to health and hygiene. Health literacy can provide ample scope on health awareness and sustainability both ends in this respect.
