Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 12-19-2021
Document Type
The current study presents an insight into trends, modifications and innovations that have taken place on the engineering institute library websites within a span of ten years (2011- 2021) in the provision of web-based sources and services through content analysis method. Findings reveal that the provision of various web-based sources and services have improved over time generally, though some of the services have not improved as expected even after a decade. Social media services provided by the libraries are an area of concern as not much change was observed regardless of a period of ten years. A major change was seen in the provision of research support to the researchers in the form of various pertinent and modern research tools and services that were provided by the library websites in 2021. Libraries have added a variety of web-based resources over time along with improving the provision of services and sources that were present in 2011 and including some new and in-demand services and sources. Libraries, through increased provision of web-based services, enabled advantage of doorstep delivery of library services, have curtailed the need to travel to the library resulting in the reduction of environmental pollution by efficient use of energy resources and reduction of paper waste by the provision of web-based sources thus contributing significantly to sustainable development.