Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In the absence of research aimed to measure the bibliodiversity of the Spanish publishing sector through indicators, the general objective of this work is to determine quantitatively whether the Spanish publishing sector is bibliodiverse. The specific goals are the following: a) analyze those necessary conditions to promote bibliodiversity, b) identify the main variables that conform bibliodiversity, and c) measure the degree of bibliodiversity. From the study of the contributions of the academic literature, this research forms an analysis model with the main necessary conditions of the bibliodiversity of the Spanish publishing sector: deconcentration, digital transformation, and glocalization. After reflecting on bibliodiversity, this research builds a theoretical analysis model to study the different variables that define bibliodiversity (linguistic, publishing companies, formats, thematic, and gender) and apply the various bibliodiversity indicators (Simpson, Shanon-Weaver and Pielou). Through a synthetic general bibliodiversity index, the different indices obtained for each variable considered in the research can be grouped.The research concludes that the Spanish publishing sector is bibliodiverse.

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