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Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Teaching makes acquisition of knowledge and skills possible through systematic interaction between teachers and learners. It happens everyday and involves teacher, learner, methodology and materials interaction. Part of these materials are known as instructional resources.

The use of instructional materials in teaching process provide the basis for improved teaching and learning of a subject. They are designed, produced and use to achieve specific instructional goal. Ayinde (1997) opined that an intelligent use of audio-visual aids will save time and stimulate students’ interest. It increase the retention of knowledge and stimulate understanding and attitude. They help students to recognize a problem. Provide solution and summarize discussion. Moreso, they facilitate independent study, aid communication, create a variety of sensory and makes instruction more powerful and immediate.

Alaku (1998) stated that teachers’ effectiveness depends on his use of appropriate instructional strategies and audiovisual aids. Appropriate instructional strategies portray good teaching techniques and successful learning. They assist students to enjoy and understand lessons easily especially when they are attached with appropriate methodology.

Video is a very important example of instructional materials. Oguntuase (2008) defined it as a record on any medium through which a moving image may by any means be produced. They are derivative works which are usually based on original literacy, dramatic, musical and artistic works.

Teachers are now expected to make use of video for mass media teaching or learning. A good instrument towards achieving this is television which possess seeing and hearing qualities that makes more effective teaching and learning. According to Alaku (1998) video play vital role in teaching and learning. When used effectively, it stimulates interest among the pupils and induces longer retention of factual ideas as the children come into contact with what is being taught.

Kindler (2006) as quoted by Fakunle (2008) declared that people generally remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70% of what they say and 90% of what they say as they do a thing. Also, National Teacher Institute (2006) stated that Chinese concluded that: I hear; I forget, I see; I remember, I do; I understand. Hence from the illustration above, since video has to do with hearing and seeing it could be suggested that it is a vital tool of learning and teaching.

However, for video to be effective, it must be available, easy to use, well maintained, adequately funded and experts must be available. It is alarming to note that virtually all lecturers or teacher do not make use of instructional materials to deliver lectures. It is in light of this, that this study investigated the effect of video in teaching undergraduates in a college of education.
