Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The aim of this study is to analyse the scholarly literature published pertinent to ‘Law Librarianship. SCOPUS database was utilized to collect all literature under the term of ‘Law Librariaship. ‘Publish or Perish 8.1’ software used to incorporate and obtained data however, VOSviewer Software and Microsoft Excel used for visualization and analysis of data. The growth of publications, author wise citation analysis, Source wise citations, Co-authorship network analysis were presented using standard bibliometric analysis. Based on the search results, total 56 papers found. It was observed that the publication of literature on ‘Law Librarianship’ have been started from 1975 onwards and data used for analysis from 1975 to 2021. Thus, researcher has used the same data for further analysis. It was found that total citations were 181, Average citation per year was 3.93, Average citation per paper was 3.23, h-index 7, g-index 11. Average rate of publication of article 1.21. Study helps to law librarians to recognizing the year wise growth of articles, distribution of articles per journals, type of publications and top rank core journals.
