Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The selection of social media as a promotional media is to make it easier for the public to know all forms of social inclusion-based library services and facilities. This research aims to describe the effectiveness of social inclusion-based library promotion through social media. This research uses a quantitative approach.The variable in this study was a single variable i.e. the effectiveness of the promotion of social inclusion libraries through social media. Instruments in research use AISAS theory, namely attention, interest, search, action, and share. The sampling technique in this study is random sampling.The data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires and observations. Calculation of validity and reliability of data using SPSS application version 23.0 for windows.The results showed that the effectiveness of social inclusion-based library promotion through social media showed a percentage of 72.2% (effective).With a result on each attention indicator of 81.25% (highly effective); 77% interest (effective); search 71.75% (effective); 82% of actions (very effective); and share 74% (effective).
