Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-7-2022

Document Type



Nowadays it is the prerequisite of the libraries to know the information-seeking behavior of the users and provide the services according to their needs. The prime purpose of the current study is to examine the information needs, information sources, information-seeking behaviors. As well as find out the challenges the undergraduate face while using the library. The survey research method was used to collect the data. With the help of a structured questionnaire, the data was collected and a random sampling method was used for this purpose. The results of the study revealed that 220(62%) undergraduates need information for their semester work and 102 (29%) need job-related information. Moreover, 155 (44.2%) undergraduates used social media to get their needed information, and 130(37.1%) followed by a discussion with friends. 80 (22.85%) of undergraduate students visit the library for study purposes, 70(20%) visit the library for reading newspapers and for political information. While seeking the needed information, undergraduate students have reported different barriers such as poor internet connectivity, lack of ICT facilities, not being aware of the usage of OPAC, and ICT knowledge limitation. The findings of the current study will be helpful for librarians towards the restructuring of information literacy programs to enhance the current information-seeking behavior of undergraduate students. It may inform the higher authorities about the obstacles faced by the undergraduate students in information-seeking and thus stimulate them towards the up-gradation of internet and ICT facilities in the institutions. This study addressed the gap in the literature on information-seeking behavior in the Context University of Balochistan. It uncovered characteristics that both limit and enhance undergraduate students’ use of the library. To assist their learning, the insights could lead to the creation of a stable information literacy program at the University of Balochistan.
