Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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21st century is considered as the “era of technology”. Technology has modernized the field of education. Modern students prefer to use digital resources in their routine studies. The study was conducted to find the “Use of Digital Resources by Medical Students of Services Institute of Medical Sciences Lahore”. The descriptive data analysis technique was used in this research work to answer the research questions for the fulfillment of research objectives. A group of 276 students was selected among which a total of n=126 respondents were male with a total percentage of 45.7% whereas the total number of female respondents who participated in the study were 150 in number with a cumulative percentage of 54.3%. The results revealed that majority of students (160 out of 272) was aware with the use of both types of resources like electronic and print. Moreover 38% responded that subscribed e-journals/database were available in the library of their medical colleges. Overall awareness regarding use of e-resources among medical students of services institute of medical was good. Medical students are highly depending on information technology; although the electronic resources have not completely replaced the hard form of books but still utilization of electronic resources by medical student and residents is very high, even the result of research demonstrates that more than half students like to use the internet- resources rather than print resources. The findings of this study showed that students were aware with the use of both type of resources.
