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Record keeping is an ancient art that has survived in human activities for millennia, becoming ingrained in their everyday routines. Records that are well-maintained are an important element of an individual's or organization's memory. Many of the records are saved as event logs, transaction logs, and decision logs. The significance of preserving records, particularly when it comes to archiving them is largely concerned with managing the evidence of an organisation's actions as well as the reduction or mitigation of risk connected with it, and is part of an organisation's wider role of governance, risk management, and compliance (Tarantino, 2008).
Records and archive management is a process that is unique to each individual and corporate entity though it may not be entirely evident in its formality. It is committed to the management of information throughout its life cycle that is from creation to final disposition or archive. The procedure includes identifying, classifying, storing, protecting, retrieving, tracking, and deleting or permanently preserving records. It is clear that change, which is thought to be constant, has found its way into conventional methods of record and archive management by incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the system, with the result being a tremendous effect for future generations to study and enjoy. Therefore, this paper set to discuss the “The Pivotal Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Record and Archive Management.” The topic is presented in segments for well detailed write-up and better understanding. Sub-topics or segments of the topic were discussed in the following.
Records and archive management is a process that is unique to each individual and corporate entity, but it may not be entirely evident in its formality. It is committed to the management of information throughout its life cycle, from creation to final disposition or archive. This procedure includes identifying, classifying, storing, protecting, retrieving, tracking, and deleting or permanently preserving records.
It is clear that change, which is thought to be constant, has found its way into conventional methods of record and archive administration by incorporating ICT into the system, with the result being a tremendous effect for future generations to study and enjoy. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the “Pivotal role of Information Communication Technology in Record and Archive Management,” which will include the following topics: an overview of record and archive management, the role of information communication technology in record and archive management, the prospects of ICT use in record and archive management, the challenges of ICT use in record and archive management, and so on.