Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



It is a globally accepted axiom that children today are leaders of tomorrow therefore have prominent role to play in the development of knowledge societies. For this dream to be realized and fulfilled it behooves parents and all stakeholders including libraries to monitor our children’s development especially in this era of globalization. In recent time it has been observed that children go through different types of experiences and challenges and there arose the need to seek for ways of helping as they grow. Bibliotherapy is a concept that involves the use of books to help children cope with their life. This study therefore is aimed at discovering the impact of the use of bibliotherapy by school libraries and librarians on the behaviours of juveniles in correctional centres using a state in Nigeria as a case in point. The study made use of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) design with a population sample of 30 purposively obtained from Abakaliki Correctional Centre in the categories of 13 girls child offenders and 17 boys out of parental control. The main instrument for data collection was a book written by a Nigerian author that talked about responsibility, honesty, cooperation and tolerance and was read to the juveniles during the group discussions which lasted for 8 weeks. The outcome of the study shows that the participants after the readings and discussions in line with themes of the book, showed more understanding of good behaviors as most of them were remorseful and regretted most of their actions as were prevalent during the discussion sessions.

It was based on the findings that recommendations were made which include that librarians and libraries in correctional homes can help create space and place that will assist meet the emotional needs of these juveniles among others.
