Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The aim of the study is to examine the literature published on human resource management in the library by Scopus and to prepare a bibliography of ready reference for the academia by examining the 2054 literature published on human resource management in the library by Scopus from 1969 to 2021. The retrieved bibliographic details and literature published were collected from Scopus database ( All the required bibliographical data were retrieved by using advanced search technique with keywords such as ‘human resource management in the library’. The dominant focus is on HRM in the library giving researchers the opportunity to develop a more systematic and exhaustive understanding of the theoretical foundations, concepts and recent development in the area. The findings of the study may assist fellow researchers in furthering their research in the identified research cluster. The study reveals the categories of literature, ranking of journal, year, citation, country-wise distribution, keywords, and subject area of literature.
