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This paper examined the awareness and usage of e-resources by the faculty members of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College. The present study is based on primary data collected from the faculty members working in the various departments of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College. This study is conducted using a total number sample of 277 Faculty Members were randomly selected from thirteen departments. The data were collected by using empirical method of the questionnaire. The study aims to analyze the awareness and purpose of e-resources, frequency of using e-resources, Utilization and Satisfaction level of e-resources. It is found that the majority of faculty members are highly aware on IEEE 218 (86.17%), Springer Open 128 (50.59%) and O’reilly Open book and Free Engineering books 91 (35.97%) and further found that majority of 203 (80.24%) faculty members fully satisfied with about NPTEL resources.
