Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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While the university library and its services are critical for learning and integral to any school's learning and teaching activities, they also serve as an information hub and an innovation center, allowing students to advance their knowledge. As a result, pre-service music teachers are required to make extensive use of the university library and its resources as part of their learning. The purpose of this study is to examine how much pre-service music teachers utilize university library services in both public and private universities located in southeast Nigeria. The study employed a survey design that included the use of questionnaire. Four research questions guided the study. Three hundred (300) pre-service music teachers were randomly selected. The mean, standard deviation, and t-test analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that there was a moderate use of registration and circulation services offered by the university library among pre-service music teachers. Also, there was high use of reservation and reference services offered by the university library among pre-service music teachers. It is recommended that library enlightenment programs be integrated into the pre-service music teacher program's curriculum. This will increase students' awareness and serve as a means of informing them of library innovations as they occur.
