"Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Public Libr" by Kolawole Ogunbodede and Ibisiki Bobmanuel Mr.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 4-15-2022

Document Type



The paper examined the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in public library services in Rivers State, Nigeria. Three (3) research questions guided this study. The researchers adopted a descriptive survey design. The sample of the study comprised 18 library staff out of a total population of 22 staff in the public library. The total enumeration sampling techniques were used for this study because the sample is not large. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was investigated by checking the content validity of the instrument and the instrument proved valid because the items in the instrument are appropriate in terms of subject contents. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the instrument and an index of 0.86 was gotten. This shows that the internal consistency of the instrument is high and good. Data were analyzed using percentages, and frequency count while SPSS was used to generate the mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that there is an acute shortage of ICT facilities in the public library in Rivers State. The commonly available ICT facilities in the public library were computers, printers, photocopiers, uninterrupted power supply, scanners, and Smartphones. The findings discovered that there is a general poor usage of ICT facilities in library operations. It was also established that lack of adequate funding, poor internet connectivity, and poor electricity supply were some of the major challenges to the use of ICT facilities in the public library in Rivers State. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended among others that the state government should provide adequate funding for the library to acquire the necessary ICT infrastructures, ICT facilities, and alternative sources of power supply. The study, therefore, concluded that public libraries in Nigeria must make use of ICT facilities and resources if they are to remain relevant in this digital era.
