Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This study focused on the emerging innovative and trendy services on the library websites of all the approved 49 Federal Universities in Nigeria. Document examination was used as an instrument for data collection. The Library websites of all the approved Federal Universities in Nigeria were examined to collate data for this study. Three research questions were developed and analysed quantitatively using frequency tables and simple percentages. The result revealed that some of the Federal University libraries operate without library websites. Again, the study revealed that twenty-three innovative and trendy services were found displayed on the library websites of the Federal university libraries. The majority of the Federal University libraries have inadequate innovative services on their websites e.g. 32 out of 49 have between 0-5 innovative services only, on their websites, which are on the ratios of 7:2:4:6:6:7 universities to 0:5:4:3:1:2 services respectively. Again findings revealed that twelve universities have no official library websites at all. The findings of this study have made it possible for university libraries to discover their shortcomings of not having a library website and of adequate innovative services that would satisfy the needs of present-day information users. This study also makes academic libraries see the need to update their websites from time to time. Holistically, this research adds to the existing body of knowledge on academic library website creation and development. The study brought to the limelight what emerging innovative services are and the need to integrate them on the university library websites particularly in this digital era as there is limited research conducted on this topic. It, therefore, recommends that Federal universities should not only have official library websites but that they should integrate all their innovative services on the websites to enable them to catch up with innovation and trends in library services.
