Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 7-30-2022

Document Type



The paper examined academic librarians' perceptions of the characteristics that contribute to a favorable organizational climate and those that negatively affect it in Nigerian university libraries. The study concentrated on Nigeria's Southeast and South-South geopolitical zones. The researchers adopted a descriptive survey design for the research. A structured questionnaire was employed to collect the data from the respondents and analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The study population consists of 143 academic librarians in university libraries in the study area. The entire population was used as a sample because it was a manageable number. The result demonstrates that respondents have favorable impressions of their organizational climate. Specifically, respondents are satisfied with the communication, work environment, leadership style, organizational structure, rewards, and teamwork. It was recommended that although the organizational climate of the libraries studied was perceived as positive, there was a need to periodically and constantly improve the reward system. Implementing a formal rewards system can be a great way to motivate librarians. They can be rewarded based on measurable performance metrics, such as a pay bonus when meeting a specific task or other forms of reward. The study found that to keep librarians motivated, the reward system needs to be improved without delay.
