Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This study aims to examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s libraries using the Children’s Centre Library, the University of Nigeria Nsukka as an example. It is a descriptive study that employed the qualitative method. Oral interview was used for data gathering. Four members of the Children’s Centre Committee served as respondents to the interview questions. The data collected from the interviews were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown affected the Children’s Centre Library in a number of ways. On the negative side, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about the lockdown of the Children’s Centre Library thereby depriving children access to the library and its rich resources The lockdown deprived the Centre of the small amount of money it would have made from letting out its premises to students on hire. On the positive side, the lockdown brought about the introduction of new services and re-development of the Children’s centre website amongst others. The study recommended that a social media platform e.g., WhatsApp should be created for all library users to make information sharing in times of need easy. Online presence is important for library institutions to showcase their resources, services and engagement with their community, especially in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the management of Children’s Libraries should not be an all-comers affair. Rather, it should be placed in the hands of people who have interest and passion for it.