Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
The study explored Information needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Lecturers in Edo State College of Nursing Sciences (Edocns). The study was guided by four objectives Descriptive survey was used. The population of the study was the 46 Lecturers in Edo State College of Nursing Sciences (Edocns). No sample size due to the small population. Closed ended Questionnaire was used in data collection which included a four likert scale (4-1). 46 copies of the questionnaire were administered, 41 were filled, returned and found usable representing 89.1% response rate. Percentage and Means were used in data analysis. The study established that teaching and research Materials was the major information needs of lecturers in the college. The findings also revealed that the internet was mostly the source utilised by Lecturers and not the library despite the positive view about the college library, this could be as a result of the inadequate resources in the Library and inadequate retrieval skills (use of Library OPAC, search engine etc.) as indicated by the lecturers as the major challenges faced when seeking for their information needs. The study recommended among other that the library should ensure that more information resources especially scholarly materials that to meet the teaching and research needs of the lecturers should be acquired and the lecturers should acquire more information literacy skills in order to be able to retrieve needed information from the library and as well as the internet.