Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Very simply, research is the systematic investigation to explore new knowledge for scientific achievement. Research comprises "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications” (OECD, 2015). Research carried out by scientists and researchers has made an enormous impact on the world over the centuries specially for developing countries like Bangladesh. Research can make a significant contribution to the growth and development of any nation. Research and the library are closely interconnected with one another. Libraries especially academic and special libraries responsible for research support that is treated as central pillar in their mission. A “researcher life cycle” approach was applied to identify researcher information needs. Librarians continue to play a central role in conducting successful research and are expanding beyond their traditional duties for delivering high quality information services to engage themselves more as educators, technological guides, and communicators. Librarians should pace more and more into a leadership role develop major initiatives and conduct training to increase research reproducibility. The present paper focuses on the basic technical issues of efficient research skills and highlights the librarians’ competencies for research support of Bangladesh for guiding researchers for conducting successful research and ensuring a better work environment to do research. This paper mainly explores the proper referencing and citations, submission of manuscript in impact journals, find out predatory journals and selection for publishing articles in open access journals. This study also highlights the use and impact of various online databases such as Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus in order to explore citation status, h index and research performance of an individual author, country and institution. The study also investigates the role of the library in addressing present and future challenges to bridge technical issues of conducting research in Bangladesh. An attempt has been made to identify the major problems for submission manuscripts in high impact journals and to indicate some possible solutions for developing research information management systems, and efforts to improve training and support for researchers to enhance the research productivity of researchers in Bangladesh. Finally, the study illustrates a real picture of scientific outputs of renowned organizations in Bangladesh using Scopus database.
