"ICT Competence and Use of Digital Library by Post Graduate Students of" by Kelechi Keyna Keyna Ray-Ogbonna, Humphrey I. Wiche PhD et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between ICT competence and the use of digital library by postgraduate students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE) in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted a Correlation design. The population of the study comprised 1800 postgraduates in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 210 Postgraduates. Four specific objectives, four research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A structured questionnaire was designed for data collection. Simple Linear Regression was used to answer the research questions and test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained revealed a significant relationship between internet browsing competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .841); Electronic Database competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .713); Social media (LinkedIn & Pinterest) competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .890); and content sharing competence and use of digital library the strength of relationship was (R = .820). From the findings, the study concluded that there is a significant relationship between ICT competence and the use of digital library among postgraduate students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study recommends among others that effective steps should be taken to encourage the postgraduate students to utilize the electronic databases so that the huge sum invested in subscribing for these databases will not be a waste. It was further recommended that library management should organise a training workshop on the importance of electronic databases, its uses and how to filter search by keywords. IAUE Digital library should lecture users on the importance of information sharing, through the use of Pinterest, LinkedIn and content sharing as they are the heavy hitter of information promulgation.
