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Information provision and adult literacy on Agricultural insurance is very vital in facilitating rural farmer’s change of behavior and adjustment to climate change adaptation. Majority of rural farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria is mostly illiterate, found in rural communities and are mainly dependent on rain-fed agriculture and with low level of educational development and thus require agricultural information and adult literacy on Agricultural insurance to be able to adapt to the never-ending climate change. However, there are problems facing Information provision and adult literacy on Agricultural insurance to rural farmers for climate change adaptation. This study therefore identified some of the constraints to information agents and rural farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used in selecting five hundred and ten respondents for the study. Data collected with questionnaire and focus group discussion were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data gathered from the focus group discussion were also analyzed qualitatively using summaries and consensus of respondents’ views. Findings from the study show that the problems include lack of rural infrastructure, illiteracy, lack of rural information centers, lack of trained extension agents etc. The study recommended that weather forecast information should be published and made available to the farmers through agricultural extension agents. Rural farmers should be educated on different insurance plans to enable them adapt easily to climate change etc.
