Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library and Information unit of any organization, as profession within profession, runs independently, is managed separately, and serves information universally. Its management is unique and universal, which forms its identity although attached to any organization. The entire process of management of library goes parallel to the management of the parent organization, but not conflicting with it. Library receives information from the organization and contributes knowledge to the organization for its better services and products. The library management unit has to act independently, think separately, show effectiveness, and manage the unit as a small organization within a large organization.

Organizational Knowledge is the knowledge specific to the organization; it is generally gained by being attached to the organization. When group knowledge from several sub-units or groups is combined and used to create new knowledge, can be called as organizational knowledge. Organizational Knowledge Management is managing the organization’s knowledge through systematically acquiring, organizing, sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing both the tacit and explicit knowledge of employees to enhance organizational performance. Knowledge Management must manage organizational knowledge storage and retrieval capabilities, and create an environment conducive to learning and knowledge sharing. It is about making sure that an organization can learn, and that it will be able to retrieve and use its knowledge assets in current applications as they are needed. Library as a sub-part of the organization should determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of processes for products and services of the parent organization. The Information services and products of the library, which are the outcome of its internal Knowledge Management system, are used as information inputs for the Organizational Knowledge Management System of the whole organization. The basic goal of knowledge management within libraries is to leverage the available knowledge that may help librarians to carry out their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Knowledge management is a viable means in which libraries could improve their services in the present knowledge era and can help transform the library into a more efficient, knowledge sharing organization. Most knowledge management practices in use are; partnerships with other libraries, consortium formation, knowledge sharing, collaborative work, team creation, regular staff interaction, promotion of organization culture, motivation of staff for innovations, ICT applications, etc.

This paper aims to give an outline of Organizational Knowledge Management and its role in libraries and relevance for Library and Information Science professionals. The paper is able to demonstrate that Organizational Knowledge Management is a key driver of library performance.
