Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-29-2022

Document Type



In Nigerian society, the serious drawback of reading culture is becoming more and more common. This paper discusses the culture of reading: the benefits, the role of libraries, and the challenges in the twenty-first century. World Book Day is a day to celebrate reading around the world. One searches for solutions to problems. The role of the library when it comes to this cannot be overemphasized. Promote the culture of reading as it provides various services to information users. Libraries' roles in promoting a reading culture have included offering a favorable setting and resources that deliver information that is more thorough and diversified, encouraging literacy, providing detailed and diverse information resources, and allowing primary and high school students to participate in Library Week. The challenges include Poor Funding, Lack of professional staff, Irrelevant Materials, Economic factors and African Factors. People read for various reasons apart from education and this among other things includes self-improvement, fun and relaxation. People should read a book a day and share a story for at least five minutes. Reading culture, on the other hand must be incorporated into library collections, reader campaigns, reading groups, and World Book Day activities.
