Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In this research work “Assessment of Information and Communication Technology Skills in Operation and Service Delivery by Para Professionals of University of Jos Library” is to assess the information and communication technology skills in operation and service delivery by para professionals of University of Jos Library. The objective is to-find out the type of Information and Communication Technology resources available for use by para professional staff in the library; to ascertain the level of understanding of Information Communication Technology by the para professionals in the library; to assess the level of utilization of the Information Communication Technology skills acquired by the para professionals in the library in performance of their daily activities; and to determine the challenges faced by para professionals in the library in utilization of the acquired Information Communication Technology skills. A Survey research methodology was adopted. Questionnaire was the preferred instrument for data collection. Para Professional Staff of University of Jos Library formed the population of the study. A stratified sampling technique was used and 80 people were sampled. The study shows that university of Jos library is equipped with some Information Communication Technology facilities which include: computers, photocopier, projectors, television, printers, etc. Majority of the staff have access to these facilities. They use these facilities mainly for performing services in the library and for social networking. Lack of computer literacy, power failure, insufficient Information Communication Technology facilities, management reluctance, formed the major challenges of accessing and using Information Communication Technology facilities in university of Jos library. It was then suggested that tertiary institutions should allocate a reasonable budget to libraries to enable them acquire the needed Information Communication Technology facilities, and also to ensure constant power supply in the institutions. This research show that majority of the Para Professionals in University of Jos Library are moderately computer literate.
