Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Without doubt, the increase in ICT has proven a library to be a living and growing organism. Coping with technology changes are the principal driving forces of the emerging information age librarian and it seems most librarians are less equipped through formal training for the technological demand in library services. The study investigated the use of mentoring as a tool for re-skilling the academic librarian in the ICT age. Descriptive survey was adopted for the study and total enumeration was used for the sample as all the librarians in the university were used for the study. The questionnaire was the instrument used for collection of data from 18 respondents and it was self-constructed. The name of the instrument is Mentoring: Tool for Re-skilling Academic Librarian in ICT age METORALI. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics using tables and mean. Finding reveals that Academic Librarians studied are conversant with ICT in Library and 55.6% learnt more of ICT in library services on the Job. Furthermore the study revealed that ICT increases work speed, helps in accuracy of work, and introduces new areas of specialization in librarianship, and respondents indicate that they are willing to be mentored. On the same hand, Academic Librarians observe internal training and pairing of old and experienced staff to new staff as a way of re-skilling an Academic Librarian. The study recommended that Academic Libraries should be intentional in creating working organizational mentoring programs for their libraries, in order to equip the young librarians with the new task created by ICT in library services. In pairing mentor-mentee, management should compare characteristic traits in order for smooth collaboration and a smooth mentoring process.
