"Digital Literacy Competency Among Users Of Visva- Bharati Central Libr" by Jyotsna Ranjan

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The change of internet from Internet Relay Chat to social media has become core part of continuous evolution and interactions of human beings. In this changing universe to be core part, one should be digitally literate and competent to accept and challenge the tasks easily. Web technologies are trending day by day, which aims to enhance social and economic standards and also to attract and contribute in growth and sustainable development.

This paper aims to investigate about the actual aspect of digital literacy competency, frequently used databases ,use of virtual media application, social media use preference, awareness of plagiarism detection software, web technologies awareness and utilization among library users of Visva-Bharati central library to fulfill their academic performance.To accomplish research, systematic reviews and survey method was adopted with questionnaire as an important tool for smooth collection of data from library users, where questionnaire in both online and offline mode was framed to conduct present survey. Questionnaires were distributed among users to get various interesting responses related to comfort level and ease of adopting digital tools and technologies, awareness and use of different plagiarism detection software’s, social media preference to accomplish their academic chores etc. It was found that 71.62%users are comfortable in using computer applications. 95.94% users frequently use google scholar as databases for academic search.100.00% users use google meet as virtual media application in learning purpose etc. To conclude with there is need of web 3.0 tools and technologies literacies among users as they were not aware with various emerging tools.
