"Access and Awareness of ICT Resources and Services in Medical College " by S. Dhanavandan, S. Mohammed Esmail et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version


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Library Philosophy and Practice 2012



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely considered as the most important revolution humankind has experienced since the industrial revolution and the development of movable type printing techniques. A country's development depends on the extent of use, speed of access, and skilled application of ICT systems. Computer and communications technologies have drastically changed the entire human activities including library and information field. Now a days -libraries are deeply engaged to modernize operations & activities to provide fast, integrated, interactive and comprehensive services. In the same direction with IT thrust the concept of digital library has emerged substantially. Various universities and research institution have initiated to set-up digital library is getting fast momentum due to the application of new information and communication technology and the increased information thrust.

The advent of the modern information technology has facilitated in the electronic storage and transmission of recorded knowledge. Linking of computers with tale communication has revolutionized the expansion of information systems, commercial vendors of information and networks, new challenges and opportunities are emerging due to information explosions, financial crunch, and price like of the national and international journal, fluctuations in currency rate, and integrations of new information technologies and ever increasing user's demand.

Review of Literature

A huge amount of literature is available on the use of ICT in developed and developing countries. Following is a brief overview of the most relevant studies of the subject.

Natarajan M (2003) found that developments in information technology facilitated the emergence of new electronic devices media and formats. The library and information scenario was changing and there was a paradigm shift from printed publications to formless data, from ownership of documents to access to information, intermediary to end user model of services, location specific libraries to virtual libraries.Nicholas et. al. (2003) conducted a study in the UK to examine the use of the web for health information and advice. More than 1300 people were surveyed. The study showed that 66% of the respondents accessed the Internet from home, 28% from work place and the remainder (6%) used a combination of both work place and home. Elizabeth Kiondo (2004) discussed the application of information technology in provision of information services and specifically the provision of electronic information services at this university. Then he identified emerging and challenging issues related to selection and acquisition of electronic information resources. The emerging issues included the information technology skills of staff and users, technology infrastructure, financial resources and collection, development and management policy.

Wijayasundara, N. (2005), identified in priority order, the barriers in the application of ICT in libraries are identified as technological, managerial, infrastructure, human, and political and social. Points are suggested to overcome these barriers. Samuel Olu Adeyoyin (2005) has analyzed to ascertain the levels of CIT literacy among library staff in a range of Nigerian libraries. Nigerian university library professionals and paraprofessionals should acquire an enhanced level of ICT literacy: both staff training and an adequate ICT infrastructure were recommended. Ron Houlihan (2005) has discussed to the critical importance of providing a comfortable and stimulating environment for students and the rewards for doing so are confirmed, with reference to various Canadian and US schools. Some of the almost – universal characteristics of today's academic research and communication. Barbara Susana Sanchez Vignau and Grizly Meneses (2005) have discusses to identify the necessary components in the formulation of collection development policies of height and technical education in Cuba. A model for a collection development policy for the system of university libraries is proposed.

John-Oswald Amekuedee (2005) has analyzed to find out which library processes have been automated in Ghana's three older public university libraries. The study found out that even though the university libraries realize the importance of library automation, they are hampered by lack of funds, lack of support from the university administrations, and lack of skilled staff to embark on automation of all library processes. Haneefa K (2007) presented the results of an investigation in the study "Use of ICT Based Resources and Services in Special Libraries in Kerala, India. The email service was used by the largest percentage of the users. WWW was being used by 60 per cent of the library users. A good no. of users were not satisfied with the application of ICT in the libraries and indicated 'inadequate ICT infrastructure' as their reason for dissatisfaction. Users proposed a variety of measures of formal orientation and training in ICT based resources and services.
