Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library Philosophy and Practice 2012




Keywords: e-journals, consortium, online journal, library consortia, database.


The scope of the study has been limited by following construction.

1) The study is limited to the students and research scholars of the department of botany.

2) For this study a questionnaire was framed for users. The sample of questionnaire was distributed among 100 users of the department of botany.

3) It includes aspects like purpose of visiting the library and which type of services provided by the library and users satisfaction level of these libraries.

4) The main focus of this study is to know the usage and problems faced in accessing the information through e-journals by the Students and Research Scholars in the field botany.

Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of the study are as follows:

1) To study about the awareness of e-journals among the students and research scholars, in the Department of botany in Aligarh Muslim University.

2) To find the purpose of the using e-journals by the students and research scholars

3) To study the use of e-journals

4) To find out the most frequently used e-journals being referred by students and research scholars.

5) To study the research output after usage of e-Journals by students and research scholars.

6) To study the users satisfaction pertaining to e-journals availability

7) To study the problems faced by students and research scholars in accessing e-journals.

Research Methodology

In the absence of proper methodology, research cannot be carried out systematically. Methodology plays an important role in the scientific investigation of any research. Scientific investigation involves careful and proper adoption of research design, use of standardized tools and texts in identifying adequate sample techniques for analyzing the data. For this study the investigator used the questionnaire, observation and interview method.


It is a tool to collect data from diverse large and the widely scattered group. A questionnaire is a written document listing a series of questions pertaining to the problem under study, which the investigator requires to answer. For this study a questionnaire was designed for students and Research Scholars. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed, but only 80 duly filled questionnaires were returned back by the Students, Research Scholars of department of botany, Aligarh Muslim University. The questionnaires were distributed in the first week of month of March and collected in the second week of March 2011.


Observation involves the investigator watching the subject(s), or research situation or phenomena. Observation method is a data collection method in which a person (usually) observes subject or phenomena and record information about characteristics of the phenomena. Observation is restricted to watching. Watching implies use of eyes. However it also involves listening and reading. In this study observation method was also used to elicit the requisite information

Interview method

The face-to-face conversation between the researcher and respondents is called interview. Interviewing is a process of personal interaction between researcher and a respondent. It is possible to gather more complex information. It allows the exploration of a topic in depth. In this study interview method was also used to elicit the requisite information.

1. Introduction

Research has been changed significantly over the past four decades. The changing patterns of the research reflect developments in the intellectual thought that have created new academic disciplines and areas of research. One of the consequences of these changes has been the broadening of the definition of information and sources useful to search. E-publication is the publication of any kind of information on any form of electronic media. E –journals have become major resource in scholarly research. E-journals are the simple electronic representation of journals. In most cases, they replicate exactly the printed version of the journal, occasionally including additional information (such as interactive graphs of external link), but in some cases there is no parallel print source as the journal was 'born digital'. Any journal available on Internet can be called an 'electronic journal'. It may or may not have print equipment. There is no standard definition available for electronic journal. As a result they have called by various names, such as e-journals, virtual journals, paperless journals, online journals, scholarly electronic journals, networked journals, and CD-ROM journals.
