Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



The purpose of this inquiry is to investigate the usage pattern of academic hybrid library digital resources by history and international studies postgraduates. Qualitative case study was adopted as the research design of the inquiry. Focus group discussion, observation and interview were employed as data tools. Among the inquiry’s outcome, it was disclosed that there were varieties of digital resources in the hybrid library under study. It was also disclosed that the history and international studies postgraduates were aware of the available digital resources. However, it was disclosed that only few participants were utilising the library’s e-books and databases due to specific barriers. It was further disclosed that mainstream participants were utilising the resources in their IR. Based on the outcomes obtained, it was recommended among others that the library should organise series of sensitisation for the postgraduates on the need to increase the usage of the digital resources. It was also recommended that the postgraduates should be trained on how to access the digital resources. Finally, it was recommended that complex login procedures to some of the digital resources should be simplified to optimise their usage by the postgraduates and other library users. From previous literature, no inquiry was found that examined the usage pattern of digital resources in an academic hybrid library by history and international studies postgraduates.
