Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study investigates the attitudes, perceptions and practices of pleasure reading among the undergraduate and graduate students of Dhaka University. Undergraduate and Graduate students under three major faculties i.e. Arts and Social Sciences; Business Studies; and Science, Engineering & Technology have been selected to participate in this survey. A total of 300 questionnaires have been distributed among the interested participants and the libraries of the concerned faculties were selected for selecting respondents randomly. Systematic random sampling method has been deployed for the convenient of the study. Data analysis has been done using SPSS Version 25 and MS Excel. The study investigates the following topics: attitudes and understanding of pleasure reading among the students; the correlation between pleasure reading and academic achievement; whether the library could play a significant role in promoting pleasure reading. This study suggests that the students of Dhaka University have the habit of pleasure reading. The undergraduate and graduate students of Dhaka University confess that pleasure reading helps them to get mental peace and sanity at the same time being positive. They also acknowledge that pleasure reading helps them in achieving academic success, acquiring new knowledge and developing vocabulary base. One of the key findings of the study is that students are very much career-centric and they spend most of their time reading job-seeking guidebooks. The study is the first endeavor to investigate the pleasure reading trends and attitudes among the students of Dhaka University that may prompt future research on Bangladeshi students regarding pleasure reading.
