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This paper examines the barriers to the adoption of electronic teaching (e-teaching) in distance education at Valley View University, Oyibi Campus, Accra. The designs employed for this study were case study with a descriptive survey method used to solicit information from 88 lecturers of the University. The self-designed questionnaire was the main instrument for the data collection. IBM Statistical Product and Service Solutions (IBM-SPSS) was used for the analysis. The findings established that lecturers could communicate effectively with their students through the e-learning platform. It was also discovered that poor internet connectivity was ranked as the first (1st) with a value of (RII=0.679) as one of the internal factors that inhibited electronic teaching, while the high cost of electronic teaching devices was also ranked first (1st) with a value of (RII = 0.733) as the external factor that militates again electronic teaching. The study recommended that the university management should provide lecturers with all the relevant e-teaching devices to facilitate teaching. These devices should be user-friendly without consuming much time. Also, management should see to it that all challenges that obstruct electronic teaching should be addressed urgently.
