Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library Philosophy and Practice 2012



The Internet is a connection of computers around the world to share data and information. It started life in America in the 1960s. It was later popularized by the United States National Science Foundation (NSFNET), the first nationwide educational network linking universities and academic research establishments. In the 1990s the CERN laboratories of Switzerland and the European laboratory for practical physics jointly developed the most rapidly growing part of the Internet. This is known as World Wide Web (WWW). This allows graphics and even video to be moved across telephone lines, bringing about more possibilities to the Internet.

The Internet brought about a free flow of information all over the globe. One could possibly get access to any kind of information on almost everything. There are educational services too. Universities are offering courses over the network. The world is now said to be a global village.

In the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, because of the necessity of maintaining its relevance in the technology driven world, the administration established the institute of Management Information System (MIS) which mounted information Technology infrastructure and introduced a capacity building programme for the University. This opened the door for aggressive acquisition of computer literacy skills by staff and students of the university. The institute took a bolder step to internalize Internet services by laying optical cables all around the institution to boost wireless Internet reception and services in the University. By so doing Internet access is available to all faculties and departments, staff quarters and student hostels. This set the stage for the utilization of the global information superhighway by faculty and staff.

This paper seek to survey the extent of Internet connectivity and usage by staff and students of this institution, vis a vis private connectivities available in and around the university campuses. The paper will also unravel what the subscribers do with the Internet access, and how it contribute to their academic activities. The study also seeks to find out the problems that may be hindering effective performance. It will also find out what the future holds for this paradigm shift.

Research Questions

1. To what extent are members of faculty and staff in University of Nigeria, Nsukka connected to access the Internet?

2. How accessible is the Internet to members of faculty and staff in University of Nigeria, Nsukka?

3. What do Internet subscribers in University of Nigeria, Nsukka do with it?

4. What problems do members of faculty and staff in University of Nigeria, Nsukka encounter in using the Internet?

5. What is the prospect for continuous Internet access to faculty and staff in University of Nigeria, Nsukka?
