"Information Needs, Sources and Information Seeking Behaviour of Poultr" by Pushpam P and Pushpam P

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-20-2023

Document Type



Agriculture has always been the backbone of the Indian economy, and the poultry industry is an essential part of it. In recent years, poultry farming has seen significant growth, particularly in the Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu. The purpose of this study is an investigation of information needs, information sources and information-seeking behaviour of Information (ISB) in Namakkal District. This study aims to explore the information needs, sources, and information-seeking behaviour of poultry farmers in the Namakkal district. The study will examine the types of information that farmers need, the sources they use to obtain this information, and their preferred methods of seeking information. A semi-structured questionnaire as well as personal interviews were used. The questionnaire was distributed to 110 farmers. 100 questionnaires have been returned from the respondents. The majority of respondents had above 15 years of work experience. The respondents were personally interviewed to assess their information needs, sources, and socio-economic and personal characteristics. Factor Analysis and Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software. The findings revealed that 91% of the respondents belonged to the male category, 75% of the farmers belonged to the above 50 age group and were educated up to School education and also this survey exposed that the majority of the respondents needed information about disease management and vaccination was the most needed area of communication, followed by protection, feeding/nutrition, shelter/housing, Etc. The respondents replied that most of the information is collected from the doctor and friends.
