Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Students’ Knowledge and attitudes towards plagiarism at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyambogo University. The findings of the study revealed that the forms of plagiarism are copying work from the internet, submitting similar coursework and copying during test and exams, because of desire to get good grade, fear of failing, disinterest in the assignment, procrastination or poor time management and laziness encourage students to plagiarize therefore putting plagiarism as a course unit, conducting seminars to orient people about plagiarism, putting in place plagiarism detection software, motivating lecturers to teach students about plagiarism and training students on how to avoid plagiarism will enable reduce plagiarism. The research recommends that lecturers, supervisors, tutors should endeavour to educate students about plagiarism; the university should organise literacy training that talk about plagiarism; students should be given guidance and advice on how to prevent plagiarism. The research further recommend that plagiarism should be taught as a course unit in higher institution of learning.
